Sunday, April 15, 2007

Call of Duty 2

What is it? - after the great success of Call of Duty, Activision introduced the this great game base on same WWII Story with more exiting features.

Game profile - the next part of call of duty which won over 80 game of the year awards.

The good about it - this great game reminds you the taste of world war 2.

The bad about it - multiplayer is so much same to earlier version of the game (call of duty).

I rate it - 8.6/10

WWII games have been saturating the market lately so standing out is becoming increasingly difficult. I mean, how many times can storm the beaches at Normandy or hold the line at Stalingrad? Well, at least one more time as Call of Duty 2 captures that realistic edge that brought success to its predecessor. Although it doesn’t have the edge that Brothers in Arms had with the raw language and more graphic war scenes, but you will get a strong sense of how it must have been.

To give a quick overview, Call of Duty 2 is broken up into three different battles, Normandy where you storm the beach as Americans, Stalingrad where the Russians hold their city, and North Africa where the British fight across the desert. Where many other WWII games often miss the mark is capturing the accuracy of these battles. Often you can end up firing at men who just stand and shoot or walk at you firing. Having a reasonably intelligent enemy makes a huge difference especially in a FPS and you’ve definitely got that here. They’ll hide behind cover and fire when appropriate, swarm when they have the advantage, and throw grenades to flush you out and push you back.

Keep in mind however that this is still your basic FPS game. Don’t expect must different in gameplay then the original but I wouldn’t expect many to take issue with it. It still works well and the control system is effective. Probably my one big complaint is the lack of a health indication. Basically you can tell when you getting hit and when you near death but not much else. Part of this may be due to the way you are healed which happens quickly and automatically. So you’re in a fight for instance, take a few hits and move on. Probably by the time you run into the next enemy, you’ll be mostly healed, especially if you catch you breath for a few seconds. That may sound like the game is too easy and in some ways it can be, but have to fear, you’ll find yourself restarting from the last checkpoint many times.

As you can imagine, since Call of Duty 2 is coming out on the Xbox 360 as well, the graphics are impressive. Although you won’t witness them in their glory without a high end video card, there aren’t any corners cut here. Detailed textures, weather effects, realistic explosions all put together a solid performance. The only issue I had was some slow down issues when too much was going on. In addition, the audio was spot-on with realistic war effects from gun fire to soldier chatter.

You will have plenty of options to set according to your hardware.

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